VSI Code Development Work Group (CDWG) Wades Into 2024 International Code Council (ICC) Process

Last month the Vinyl Siding Institute (VSI) staff, consultants and members testified on VSI proposals and other proposed changes relevant to our products as the first phase in updating the 2024 International Building Code (IBC).

The IBC regulates the construction of most commercial construction, including low-rise buildings used for apartments and hotels. As part of this process, changes were submitted in January, and the ICC code development committee heard testimony on proposals and then immediately voted to approve or disapprove.

This process is now halfway through, with further hearings and a government official assembly vote scheduled for September. VSI fared well in the hearings and, although the process is not complete, will have good momentum going into September on most issues.

Here is a highlight of the current issues VSI is focused on for the industry:

  • Use of polypropylene siding and insulated vinyl siding as part of calculated fire-resistive assemblies (approved)
  • Improvement to language relating to quality agencies in vinyl siding and polypropylene material sections (approved)
  • Introduction of insulated vinyl siding, including its ASTM standard into the IBC (approved)
  • Removal of high-density restriction on polypropylene siding (disapproved)
  • Introduction of rain screening definition and recognition (approved)

Looking Ahead

The CDWG will meet next on June 2 to plan for the comment deadline on the IBC in early July, start to develop ideas for change for other ICC codes, and begin to correlate the Florida Building Codes with the ICC codes.


Code Officials Lead the Way With In-Person Conferences

VSI has begun to meet with building officials in the southeast as they are now getting back to normal in-person events.

In early May, VSI participated in the South Carolina Building Officials Conference. Over the next month, VSI will provide educational presentations to the building officials of Georgia and Florida and present information on product hurricane performance to the Florida Building Commission.