New Texas Key Initiative Work Group to Meet in November

The Vinyl Siding Institute is excited to announce the first meeting of the Texas Key Initiative Work Group on November 10, 2020, at 1 p.m. (EST).

This new workgroup is tasked with developing and implementing various awareness efforts in Texas so that VSI members can successfully grow their business in that state. As you may recall, in 2019, a law was signed by the governor of Texas prohibiting Texas jurisdictions from banning member products. Prior to the passage of this new law many local ordinances prohibited vinyl siding, polypropylene, stucco, fiber cement, wood, engineered wood, glass and steel products, despite all of these product options having been approved in building codes and standards. Today, these kinds of aesthetic restrictions are prohibited and consumers are free to select building materials that are in line with their wants and financial needs.

This was a great success but it was also just the first step.

Now, we need to determine the best way to help our members grow. We are asking individuals and organizations with connections in Texas, the region – or with a general desire to learn about that market – to attend this meeting. We will have two guest speakers: Ned Munoz VP of Regulatory Affairs for the Texas Homebuilders Association and Phil Crone, Executive Officer for the Dallas Home Builders Association. They will speak to the group about their organizations, the Texas housing market and provide insights on developing relationships with key Texas stakeholders.

VSI is seeking a chairperson for this workgroup, so if you are interested in signing up, please let us know via email ahead of the meeting: