VSI New Product Certification Mark Update

VSI’s recently updated Product Certification Marks – in both black and white and color versions – were submitted to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) last April (2021). Since that time, backlog in the trademark office delayed the review of VSI’s applications.

In late December 2021, the applications were finally reviewed and approved for publication on February 1, 2022.

What Does This Mean?

In February, both certification marks will be published in the “Official Gazette,” a weekly publication of the USPTO. After being published, the USPTO allows 30 days for any party who is opposed to the registration to come forward. It can take three to four months from the time the notice of publication is sent before we will receive official notice of the next status of the applications.

While processing to fully registered, the new marks can be used to show certification approval.  The Certification Body involved with the VSI Product Certification Program will release the marks for use as the program deliverables are published.

VSI will continue to monitor the activities related to the certification marks, and is hoping to have fully registered marks by mid-summer.

Stay tuned for more updates!