Find a Vinyl Siding Recycling Center in Northeast Ohio

Helping to complete the vinyl siding lifecycle can be as simple as finding a vinyl siding recycling center near you. Whether you’re a homeowner updating your exterior or a professional remodeler, you can recycle all used, unused, and new vinyl siding from your job at any one of these vinyl siding recycling centers in northeast Ohio listed below.

Learn about our Vinyl Siding Recycling Coalition Pilot Program

Where Can Vinyl Siding Be Recycled? 

Keep checking in as we add more locations around the country that are helping to recycle scrap vinyl siding back into the manufacturing process.


Learn How PEPA Is Increasing Awareness

Starting with the Vinyl Siding Recycling Coalition Pilot Program, PEPA is working with plastics manufacturers across multiple industries to grow awareness around recycling vinyl siding.

