Well, here we are - welcome to 2021! In the uber-competitive world of the building trades, staying focused and motivated and maintaining a positive attitude are just a few things that we must do to remain on top.
“Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” – Lou Holtz
There are a few key fundamentals that I would like to highlight as we kick off 2021, ones that I hope bring you closer to accomplishing your 2021 goals.
It doesn’t matter if you own the company, work for the company or are a contractor for the company – success will be found in what is accepted by you and then applied by you. You must be capable of making tough decisions, putting in long days, late nights and taking tough calls. You must also be ready to balance that with shorter days, earlier nights (when possible) and take positive calls when they come in, sharing them with your team(s). You need to be focused and ready to take on challenges. Continuously improve, grow, and, like I tell my student-athletes, “stay ready, so you don’t have to get ready!”
Motivation comes in various shapes and sizes. What motivates you may not motivate others, so be aware of that and adapt as required. If you know what you want, go and get it. Just remember, to get it, you need people around you who have similar abilities, are motivated by similar goals and want the same things. Find your motivation, find your inspiration and share the message. As a result, you will inspire others and they will follow you, allowing you to reach your goals and exceed your dreams. Motivation is fuel for success – and you may be the fuel for your team. Look the look, be prepared, be consistent, don’t rush, be aware, and, most of all, seek to understand before being understood.
Attitude is everything and it starts each day the moment you wake up, open your eyes and place your feet on the floor. Right then, at that moment, you make the decision – am I going to have a great day, or am I just going to have an “ok” day. But you get to make that decision – no one makes it for you. Start each day as if it were a field trip to your favorite place (like a child going to the ball field). There are many people who would like to be in your boots, attitude is everything and it is contagious!
Discipline daily, in everything you do, allows you to command freedom from yourself and others. I always like the saying, “If you do the things you need to do, when you need to do them, at some point you will get to do the things you want to do when you want to do them.” You can only accomplish this with a good attitude and with discipline in your life, every day. Remember, there are seven days in a week and “someday” isn’t one of them.
Bill Gates once said, “Hustle brings the dollar, experience brings the knowledge and persistence brings success!
It’s January, a new month, a new quarter and a new year. Start now by winning each day, like in baseball, one base, or 90 ft. at a time!
Be Resilient – Add Value – Stay Healthy - Trust the Process!
To your success,
Coach Rob Balfanz
Director, Workforce Development
Vinyl Siding Institute