As I reflect on the past four months, I ask myself, “Did I do enough planning, did I do enough preparing, did I do enough communicating, did I do enough period, for what has now become a reality?”
For me, reflection involves looking back on what once “was” and comparing that to what “is.” As my grandfather always said, “Spend 80% of your time focusing on what is in front of you and 20% of your time looking behind you – it’s ok as long as you keep moving forward.”
I believe that if you want to know where you are going, you have to look back to some degree at where you have been, even if it is not that great to look at. With this in mind, I looked back at the last several blog posts that I wrote, and one of them immediately stands out. The blog, “ Change!” is relevant again now, maybe more than ever.
Here are a few key points from that blog post that I believe are critical to revisit during these unprecedented times:
Skilled Trades or Construction Jobs
There are many reasons to get involved in skilled trades or construction jobs. For starters, they offer many things, such as jobs and lots of them. You can earn a great living, and more importantly, you start earning immediately. Also, you will never get bored (some construction careers include travel), you get a feeling of adding value daily, and what I love most about construction jobs or the skilled trades, the people – great people. Not everyone requires a corner office to feel great, and not everyone needs a degree framed and hanging on a wall. A cubicle or workspace somewhere and certifications versus degrees (or a combination of) lying on the desk are great options, too.
Timing, It May Be Time for a Career Change
We have all been affected in some way by what has been happening these last few months. In some cases, you may not even be aware that you need a change, and in others, it may be completely obvious. Some scenarios are far more challenging than others, but one thing that stands true, everyone has something going on and everyone matters. Change is good, and in a lot of cases, change is inevitable. The most difficult part of change is convincing yourself that you are ready to do it and that you can do it. The last part is to find the right people to help you through it – you don’t need to do it alone. In fact, the Vinyl Siding Institute (VSI) can help.
Are You Ready for a Change?
Are we ever ready for change? It’s easy to get set in your ways and think that because you have always had this job, or you have always worked in that industry that you can’t or don’t know how to do anything else. Admittedly, it can be very scary and overwhelming. However, we can all make a change if we want to. The VSI and our partners are ready to offer support and guidance to anyone who would like it. Click here for details.
Transitioning into the Skilled Trades or Construction Jobs
It’s not an easy task to figure out what you love to do – so do what you love, what makes you happy and do what makes you feel complete. My father always said, “If you don’t like where you’re at, then make a change.” Some advice: if you want to know what you love or what your passion is, write down or take note of where your mind goes when adrift, or when you are doing nothing at all. That will tell you a lot about yourself. With some planning, a little time and patience, you can reinvent yourself and make a change, regardless of where you are right now, what you are doing or how young or old you are. Make the change, be successful, and do it on your own terms. There are at least six reasons why you should pursue a career in vinyl siding. To read more about them, click here.
Also, one important point to note is that vinyl siding can be installed in practically all types of weather conditions. Additionally, it’s a product that can be installed entirely from the exterior of the home, you do not need to go inside.
It’s Time to Change: The VSI is Doing It, So Can You!
Our VSI team has had to make a lot of changes and adjustments over the last several weeks due to the current pandemic. For example, all of our work has gone entirely remote. So if we can make these changes, so can you! So, make the choice and take the leap. We are committed to helping you throughout the journey.
To learn more about VSI’s Certified Installer Training Programs, visit
Go ahead…Trust the Process!
To your success,
“Coach Rob Balfanz