Inspect and plan the job in advance. For re-siding applications, nail down any loose panels, boards, or shingles. Check surfaces for straightness and fur when necessary. Surfaces should be uniform and straight from various viewing angles.
The procedure used to install soffit depends on the construction of the eave. There are two different types of eaves:
- Open eaves—eaves with exposed rafters or trusses—are typical of new construction. Open eave installation procedures are also used when removing damaged soffit during a re-siding project.
- Enclosed eaves—eaves with soffit in place are typical of re-siding projects.
When transitioning soffit at the peak of a gable (Fig. 63), secure two J-channels back to back to receive an individual piece of soffit on each accessory. Alternatively, bend a section of soffit, using a field brake, to match the angle of the peak of the gable.