This is a published authoritative document which compiles relevant code information into a comprehensive technical report to convey how a product(s) complies with recognized standards and requirements of building codes.

In general, vinyl siding is not limited in residential construction, although in certain instances like high density construction, vinyl siding must meet certain fire performance test requirements.

The International Building Code (IBC) regulates these types of buildings, and allows vinyl siding use with commercial constructions with certain limits.

Vinyl siding proves to be one of the best values on the market year after year. In fact, lifetime value and easy maintenance help rank vinyl siding among the highest returns on investment for remodeling projects.

Yes, vinyl siding–because of its resource efficiency–has one of the lowest carbon footprints for claddings.

Yes. PEPA’s Architectural Polymers: Best Practices For Architectural Specification guide allows for free download of architectural product profile drawings.

PERs can be acquired to prove to building officials that the certified product(s) contained within meet the relevant codes. The report can provide verification of product code compliance to audiences such as designers, specifiers, architects, engineers and contractors. PERs can be an asset for code officials to assist with decision making of product approval and/or systems. PERs identify the critical elements of the construction needed to meet the requirements of the code.

The development process of a PER includes utilizing a professionally licensed Intertek engineer who is separated from the product testing process. This separation ensures that the evaluation of the certification data is independent and impartial.

Listings and reports can be found by utilizing the Intertek directory at https://bpdirectory.intertek.com/pages/DLP_Search.aspx.

Evaluation reports are advisory in nature. An Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) has the final authority related to acceptance of the product(s).