VSI Team Members Attend and Educate at CNU 2023

The Vinyl Siding Institute (VSI) continues to foster strong ties with the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU), most recently during its annual meeting in Charlotte, NC, in early June.

If you’re unfamiliar with CNU, the non-profit organization advocates for changes to make it easier to build great places by identifying regulatory barriers, knowledge gaps, financing hurdles and local inequalities. While CNU initially shied away from VSI and our members’ products, the organization is now in line with many of the same issues that our association strives for, including removing government barriers to housing affordability and housing choices.

During this year’s annual event, VSI was featured as a sponsoring organization and supported educational presentations featuring expert designers and architects Steve Mouzon, Korkut Onaran, Fernando Pages and visionary architect Andres Duany.

And for those that attended, hundreds of CNU participants now have valuable VSI resources – including our latest guide, Architectural Polymers: Best Practices for Architectural Specification, that promote the product specification of architectural polymers within new urbanist concepts, like traditional neighborhood-designed developments.

Photos from top left: VSI's Matt Dobson and architect Korkut Onaran meet during CNU to discuss current activities and involvement with VSI on future initiatives; VSI's latest guide, "Architectural Polymers: Best Practices for Architectural Specification"; VSI consultant Fernando Pages and Korkut Onaran present on creating Traditional Neighborhood Designs with affordability in mind; architect Andres Duany shows University of Georgia’s School of Design's Jack Crowley the advantage of polymeric cladding.